Пушки S82:
Потребление сосок у всех 1/1, точность, атакспид и прочие характеристики остались те же естественно
Нужен SA 15лвл для вставки (кроме дуалов, разумеется)
Маленькие чёрно-белые иконки ведут к картинкам. Кликните для отображения.
pic pic icon name type p.atk/m.atk SA note
    Icarus Dual Sword Duals (icarussword*dle) 442 / 163 При заточке на 4 и более критический урон возрастает на 109, при HP<10% сила умения (СА) увеличивается. Увеличивает урон в ПвП. 1:30 yidoryu with the same options. However, the difference in the damage done to him. Weight 1520.
    Icarus Disperser Dagger 318 / 163 Focus, Evasion, Crt. Damage Weight 1520.
    Icarus Spirits Mystic Sword 290 / 217 Acumen, Mana up, Conversion Beopsayong (кто знает что это - прошу сообщить) 1945. Weight 1520.
    Icarus Heavy Arms 2h-Sword 442 / 163 Focus, Health, Light Weight 1740.
    Icarus Trident Spear 363 / 163 Anger, Crt. Stun, Light Weight 2010.
    Icarus Hammer 1h-Blunt 363 / 163 Anger, Health, Rsk. Focus Focus risk option because the benefits are not good options there. Weight 1740.
    Icarus Stick Mystic 1h-Blunt 290 / 217 Mana up, Conversion, Acumen Beopsayong Hand Mace (кетайскойа волшебнойа палочга). Weight 1080.
    Icarus Sowsword 1h-Sword 363 / 163 Focus, Health, Light Weight 1520.
    Icarus Hand Fists 442 / 163 Rsk. Evasion, Focus, Haste Weight 1550.
    Icarus Spiter Bow 689 / 163 Cheap shot, Guidance, Focus Figures are expected to focus on the most significant weapon. Weight 1520.
    Icarus Stinger Rapier 329 / 163 Focus, Health, Light Sword saw as a weapon-only terminals, Linux (линукс форевер) converts. Weight 1520.
    Icarus Wingblade Ancient Sword 393 / 163 Focus, Health, Light Arms heavy weapons to convert it into a dedicated Linux terminals. Weight 1800.
    Icarus Shooter Arbalest (Crossbow) 400 / 163 Cheap shot, Guidance, Focus Spiro ability to convert it into weapons-only terminals Linux. 1:30 compared to only 11 in a cross-beleaguered Muslims difference. Weight 1580.

ЗЫ: Модификаторы камаэльского оружия


Dynasty-оружие (S80):
Характеристики подобны старому Dynasty-оружию.
pic pic icon name type p.atk/m.atk SA note
    Dynasty Staff Staff 246 / 186 Mana Up, Empower, Acumen
    Dynasty Crusher 2h-Blunt 374 / 140 Anger, Health, Rsk. Focus

Dynasty-броня (топ??):
Dynasty Platinum Plate - Knights/Warriors
Dynasty Jewel Leather Armor - Rogues/Warriors/Enchanters/Summoners
Dynasty Silver Satin Tunic - Healers/Enchanters/Summoners/Wizards


Grade C and above the Fort support Boss shirt, royal castle, the wizard NPC through HP / MP / CP, one of the options that have been granted as a shirt can be exchanged.
//Футболки C-grade и выше из фортов и замков могут быть обменяны (хер бы понял этот гугле)
he options granted to the shirt shirt over inchaenteu +4 should apply.
//Футболки, заточенные на +4 и более дают новые характеристики

baby Zion:
а хз!
Armor merchants of having a new baby myeongpumgwan Zion can be purchased.
Zion, the old dear Double-clicking on an item will be able to get compensation.
//Сами думайте. Если предложите что такое Zion, то мб сам подумаю.

Giran, Rune, Aden C-grade in the village Tallis can only wear bracelets can be purchased only with Tallis. Dan. Can be obtained through the fort than talriseuman not highly effective.
//Что-то связанное с тем, что в этих городах можно толи купить, толи хз талисманы. Но они будут менее эффективны, чем талисманы из фортов.

Продажа C-grade оружия и брони:
Giran, ruun, weapons ahdenseong town / C Grade through merchant Armor Weapon (Lesser) / Armor (Lesser) to be sold.
//В Giran, Rune, Aden С-grade low вещи продаются через торговца оружием/бронёй.
Myeongpumgwan weapons in the C Grade Intermediate / Armor only sell to change.
//Luxury-оружие/броня C-grade middle можно лишь обменять. (русский мат)

Другие изменения:
Quest for all items related Tooltips added a name to the Quest.
//В имена предметов добавлены названия квестов, к которым они принадлежат.
Blessed Order casting time of the resurrection of the existing order 15 seconds -> 3 has been reduced to seconds.
//Изменено время перезарядки Воскрешения с блессед спиритшотом с 15 секунд до 3х (??)
Ordnance projection is granted to active wear skill for 30 seconds, then not be able to use their skills to change.
Ordnance granted to the skill of each species projection active wear items that are reused time to turn off delay time is decreased so that the modified holding a re-apply.
For example, the reuse of items skill granted 10 minutes remaining in the five minutes of time wearing them, and the inventory is off three minutes from time after somodoen again two minutes later, wearing will be able to use the skill.
//3-4 не знаю
Ahpelra changed to the following set of enhanced effectiveness.
Increasing the maximum amount of CP
Relative probability of a 80 percent shot at a PC, and that was that dibeopeu, casting himself as a casting change to a beopeu
Junggap: Increases magic defense, shot-critical probability decreases (increases the probability critical blow +)
Greaves: increasing avoidance, reduction demiji critical shot (+ strike rate increase)
Rove: defense increases, increased speed of movement (+ magic damage increase)
Clan merchants' heolriah ',' Ilya 'set and a general ahpelra' myeongseongchi Clan, gyeonjang articles, Adena 'giving, exchange can be improved ahpelra set.
Items can be granted by a weapon jiphonseokeul consuming 'light' option gauge the effect of the increase in inventory has been changed weight.
//5-7 не думал